Commodity Details Page Overview

The Application Step by Step Commodity Details page field descriptions are as follows:

PPQ Form 577 Phytosanitary Certificate, PPQ Form 579 Phytosanitary Certificate, and State Certificate Fields

Common Name

Descriptive name that precisely identifies the product.
Read only unless an unlisted commodity is being added.
This is a required field.

Botanical Name

The scientific name.  It should include the genus and the species classification.
Read only unless an unlisted commodity is being added.
This is a required field.


Name of the plant part that best describes the commodity.
Select the name from the drop-down list or if the appropriate part is not displayed, select “Other” and type the part name in the data entry field provided.


The total number of units of commodity that will be shipped.

NOTE: The quantity is not included when creating or saving as a template.

Multiple Units
To enter multiple quantities and units, input the data in the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Quantity fields with corresponding Units .  Add the primary quantity and unit first, then continue with any additional quantities and units.  The order listed will be the order they appear on the certificate.

NOTE: The second and third Quantity and Unit combinations are optional. A split option is not available when multiple quantities/units are entered on a certificate.

The text 'Multiple' will be displayed in the Quantity and Unit fields on the Commodity Overview page after multiple entries have been added.  If you clear your multiple entries, the Quantity text box and Unit drop-down will reappear for a singular entry..



Unit of measure that best describes the commodity.
Select the name from the drop-down list.


NOTE: A split option is not available when 'Other' is used as the Unit of Measure on a certificate.



The weight in pounds of the commodity to be shipped.
This is an optional field.

NOTE: This entry is used for reporting requirements for some states and will not appear on the certificate.

Number Of Packages

The total number of packages of the commodity to be shipped.
Can be zero (0) or blank when package description is “In bulk”.
Click the Add/Edit Multiple Packages button to add multiple packages and package description.


NOTE:  The Number Of Packages is not included when creating or saving as a template.

Package Description

Package description associated with the commodity.
Select one of the items from the drop-down list: "In bulk" or "Other".  Type the package description in the data entry field provided.

Distinguishing Marks

Any marking on the packages that will assist in identifying the commodity.
None.  Default
Use Consignee Address. Consignees address displays on the PPQ 577 and PPQ 572.
Other.  Type the distinguishing marks in the data entry field provided.

Certified Origins

This field is pre-populated with USA.
Add/Edit Multiple Origins option modify this field.
Certified origin checkbox is available for entering multiple commodities with the same certified origin.
When adding the first commodity to an application the user will have the option of checking a box to indicate that the certified origin details should become the default for subsequently entered commodities.  (Note that when a later commodity is entered with a different certified origin, the default functionality is no longer available.)

NOTE:  Scroll to the bottom of the page to check the check box.

If an existing application is retrieved which has the same certified origin for all of its association commodities, the user will have the option of setting the default certified origin after they have entered a new commodity and entered certified origin details identical to those of the existing commodities.


1.To add detailed origin information, click the Update Selected Origins button.
RESULT:  The following additional information blocks will be available:

Certified Origin: Locality

Certified Origin:  Locality associated with the commodity.
This is an optional field.

Note: Locality does not contain numbers.

Certified Origin: Locality Descriptor

Certified Origin:  Locality Descriptor associated with the commodity.
Select a locality descriptor from the drop-down list.
Required if there is an entry in Locality.

Certified Origin: State Territory

Certified Origin: State / Territory associated with the commodity.
Select a state or territory from the drop-down list.
Required if there is an entry in Locality.

Certified Origin: Country

Certified Origin: Country associated with the commodity.
This is an optional field.

Certified Commodity Origin:

This field is pre-populated with USA.


2.Enter and select additional origin information, then click the Add button.
RESULT:  The new information appears in the Commodity Origin list as each new entry is added.


3.Click the Back button.
RESULT:  The updated Application Step by Step Commodity Details page appears.


4.If you want to add new commodity(ies) with the same Certified Origin, select the “Use this certified origin for all future commodities…” option box and click the Save button.


NOTE: The checkbox to use the same certified origin for commodities still to be added is only available for the first commodity being added.


5.If you want to add new commodity(ies) with different Certified Origin(s), ensure that the “Use this certified origin for all future commodities…” option box is not checked and click the Save button.