Nursery Applications

The US-NCP organizations follow the same process to create applications as outlined in the Creating an Application.  However, when an organization in the US-NCP creates an application to a country identified as a participant in the Nursery Program, the Submit Nursery Application button is available at the bottom of the Summary/Submit page.

A duty station needs to be selected even though this application will not be processed by the duty station and the selected consignee country needs to match the participating countries under the authorized Nursery Program.  (Currently the only participating country is Canada.)  A Payment Method must also be selected if submitting to a Federal duty station; however the Nursery will not be charged per certificate like a regular applicant if the application is submitted by clicking the Submit Nursery Application button.  If the Nursery clicks the Submit Standard Application button, the application will be treated as a regular applicant submission and the Nursery will be charged for the certificate.


NOTE:  The standard Nursery Additional Declaration reads as follows:  "This shipment of plants was produced in accordance with the United States Nursery Certification Program (US-NCP) and is considered to conform with the Phytosanitary import requirements of Canada."