Reset Cache

To reset the caching for a particular application, organization or user, complete the following steps:


1.Select the PCIT Administration link from the left menu.
RESULT:  The PCIT Administration page appears.
2.Select Manage Reference Data from the Select Reference Data Function drop-down list.
RESULT:  The PCIT Administration - Reference Data page appears.
3.Select Reset Cache from the Select A Function drop-down list.
RESULT:  The Reset Caching page appears.
4.Enter details and use the radio buttons to select from the following:
a)APC for Refresh
b)Affiliation Org for Refresh
c)State Code for Refresh (e.g. AL, VA):
d)County ID for Refresh
e)State Charge ID and SRO/CRO ID for Refresh (ID + ':' + ID2)
5.Click the Submit button.
RESULT:  The Update Confirmation page appears with a message that you have successfully refreshed.