State/County Financial Administrator |
The State/County Financial Administrator (SCFA) has purview over a specific State organization (i.e., State Regulatory Organization [SRO]) or California County organization (i.e., County Regulatory Organization [CRO]). An SCFA must be associated with exactly ONE SRO/CRO location. Headquarters users with Admin privileges can enable the state/county fee collection feature for individual states and California counties. This feature will be controlled by Headquarters users with Admin privilege assigning the State/County Financial Administrator role to a user. Only a user with State/County Financial Administrator role can update Fee and Rate information within their purview. If a state/county opts to collect their fee for issuing federal certificates they can opt out of collecting their fee for issuing state certificates created within PCIT. For the states and counties that opt out, PCIT will continue to display the current State/County Information screen and provide the Excel for download of this data. NOTE: PCIT will not calculate fee information for states or counties that opt out.
See Also |