Update Country Grouping

The country groups are used to create Commodity Summaries for multiple countries at one time.  Country groups are also used to update the following country-specific data: Treatments, Additional Declarations, Harmful Organisms, Definitions and General Requirements.

To add, edit, or delete a country group, complete the following steps:


1.Select the PExD Administration link from the left menu.
RESULT:  The PExD Administration page appears.


2.From the Select a PExD Administrative Function drop-down list, select Country Grouping .
RESULT:  The PExD Administration: Update Country Grouping page appears.


3.To add a new country group, complete the following fields (required fields are indicated with a red asterisk):

a) Group Name:* Enter the group name.

b) Country:* Select the country(ies) of your choice, or click the Select All link.  Then click the Save button.


4.When adding new country groups, the entries will be displayed in the table.


5.To edit an existing group, click the corresponding Edit button.
RESULT:  The Group Name and selected country(ies) will display under the Add/Edit Group section.  You can update the information as needed, then click the Save button.


6.To delete a country group, select the checkbox for the country group you wish to delete or click the Select All link.  Then click the Delete Selected button.


7.To save your changes, click the Save button.


8.To cancel your edits and/or to return to the PExD Administration page, click the Back button.


See Also


PExD Administration