Update Export Services Contact Information

Export Services contact information is provided to ECS users and above.  You can maintain a list of Export Services Staff and their areas of responsibilities.

NOTE: For general inquiries, please send an e-mail to: ppqexportservices@usda.gov or: PPQ Export Services/MD/APHIS/USDA if you are using Lotus Notes.

To add, edit, or delete contact information, complete the following steps:


1.Select the PExD Administration link from the left menu.
RESULT:  The PExD Administration page appears.


2.From the Select a PExD Administrative Function drop-down list, select Export Services Contact Information.
RESULT:  The PExD Administration: Update Export Services Contact Information page appears.


3.To update or enter contact information, complete the following fields (required fields are indicated with a red asterisk):

a) First Name:*  Enter the first name of the staff member.

b) Last Name:*  Enter the last name of the staff member.

c) Title:*  Enter the job title of the staff member.

d) Phone:*  Enter the ten-digit telephone number including the area code.

e) E-Mail:*  Enter the e-mail address of the staff member.

f) Geographic Area(s) of Responsibility:  This is an optional field.  Enter the countries/areas of responsibility information.

g) Duty Entry:  This is an optional field.  Enter the duty entry information.

h) Added Duties:  Enter the added duties.


4.To edit a contact, click the corresponding Edit button.
RESULT:  The current contact information displays under the Add/Edit Contact Information section.  You can update the information as needed, then click the Save button.


5.To delete a contact, select the checkbox for the link you wish to delete or click the Select All link.  Click the Delete Selected button.


6.To save your changes, click the Save button.


7.To return to the PExD Administration page, click the Back button.


See Also


PExD Administration