Organization Administrator

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Organization Administrators (Org Admins) are responsible for maintaining external organizations within their purview.  Purview is based on the Org Admin's VS Office, for example Headquarters Org Admins can maintain users in in all VS offices.  Eastern Region Org Admins can maintain users in all Eastern Region Area Offices.


Org Admins can create users with any internal role regardless of the Org Admin's role.  There is no hierarchy of roles in VEHCS in regards to user creation.


After logging in to VEHCS via USDA, a new user is presented with a screen to select the VEHCS application.  If the user is the first from a clinic/company to access the system, the user will create an organization.  By creating the organization, this user automatically becomes the Org Admin and is able to add members to the organization and manage the organization information (retrieve user PINs or inactivate/reactivate users).


Refer to the Initial Registration and Creation of User ID topic for further details.