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VEHCS allows a batch data upload option for the following certificates:


Cattle for Breeding/Rearing (or Circus/Exhibition) to Canada
Feeder Cattle to Canada
Swine for Breeding/Rearing to Canada


To upload commodities to a certificate, you must use the VEHCS provided Excel spreadsheet as your template.  The template requires Microsoft Excel 2010 or later.  Click Save when prompted to save the template to your hard drive.  Follow the instructions in the template to enter and upload the data.  The instructions are the same for each type of certificate.



The Cattle for Breeding/Rearing (or Circus/Exhibition) to Canada instructions are as follows:


1. Enter one animal per row using the columns below to describe the animal.  Make sure the data is entered inside the mapped cell range which begins at cell A4 and expands as new rows are consecutively entered.  The end of the mapped cell range is indicated by a small arrow at the right-bottom of the last cell.  If there is data outside of the cell range, drag the arrow to include these rows.

NOTE: If a calf was born after its mother was tested and the animal is being shipped with its mother, the association between the calf and mother must be done in VECHS after the data is uploaded.


2. Once the data entry is complete, save the data as an XML data file.

   a. Click File then Save As.

   b. Select a folder and file name

   c. Select XML Data (*.xml) as ‘save as type’.

   d. Click Save to export the spreadsheet into XML data file.

   e. Click Continue on the "Saving the file as XML Data will result in the loss of worksheet features..." message.


3. To upload the commodity XML data file into VEHCS, follow the instructions on the Commodities page of the Certificate.




To use an Excel spreadsheet template, complete the following steps:


1.Download the xls template.  You can access the templates from the VEHCS Home Page, under the Spreadsheets section or from the Commodities page when you are working in a certificate.


2.Enter the data about the animals into the xls template.


3.Save the Excel file as an XML Data file.  (This is documented in the steps at the top of the xls template, similar to the Sample Instructions above.)


4.From the Commodities page, click the Upload Spreadsheet button.


5.Find/enter the xml file that you previously saved and click the Upload button.
RESULT:  The Upload button will read the data (you entered in the spreadsheet template) from the xml file and load it into the Commodities table shown on the screen.


6.If errors are found in the data, a message will display indicating the issue.  You can go back to the Excel file and correct the data and repeat the process of saving it as an XML file and then doing the Upload again.  The error message will indicate the row that has the error.

NOTE: The error message will not be the exact row number that you see in Excel since the first 3 rows in Excel are the instructions and column headers.  The actual animal data itself starts on Excel row 4.  If an error is found on the very first animal entered in the spreadsheet, the error message will state the nature of the error as being “on data row 1” which actually corresponds to Excel row 4.  If any errors are found, no data from the spreadsheet will be loaded.  Once all the errors are corrected, all the data will be uploaded.


7.Once the data is uploaded, it can be updated in the table without using the Excel file.  Animals (data rows) can be deleted by using the checkbox for Delete that’s shown in the table.  If you successfully upload the spreadsheet once, then upload the same data file again, the data will get loaded a second time.


NOTE:  You can use a combination of Option 1 (manual entry) and Option 2 for the batch upload, to get all your animals in the Certificate.  For example, when you batch upload more than one swine into the Certificate, but then they  5 more swine to add to the shipment.  You can add each swine manually using Option 1 -> Generate Rows.  (You will not have to use the spreadsheet option again.  However, if you want to use the batch upload option again, ensure that only the new 5 swine are in the Excel template.)