Tracking Number Search

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Tracking number search is available to all internal users. As an Internal user, you can search for any health certificate.


To find a health certificate, enter the Tracking number and click Search.

RESULT: The health certificate details appear in the below details section.


Below are the results upon search.


Tracking number: Depends on the status of the health certificate the tracking number link will navigate to the respective process or view certificate details screens.


Health Certificate Number: Health Certificate number will be displayed if the certificate was already processed.


AV Organization Name: Name of the AV Organization.


Date Created (Central Time): The date when the Health certificate was created.


Status: Status of the health certificate.


VS Area Office: If the health certificate is processed by the internal user, the assigned VS filed office will be displayed.


Consignor: Name of the consignor.


Submitted Date (Central Time): The date when the health certificate was created.


Endorsed Date (Central Time): The date when the health certificate was endorsed.