VEHCS Certificate Viewer

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You can search for and view a USDA Veterinary Export Health Certificate without logging into the VEHCS application.

NOTE:  The certificate must achieved Completed status to be viewed using the steps below.  Some data for completed certificates that have later been voided can also be viewed, however the certificate itself cannot be viewed.

To view a certificate complete the following steps:

1.Connect to VEHCS using the Web address:
RESULT:  The Log In page displays.


2.At the bottom of the screen, click the VEHCS Certificate Viewer link.
RESULT:  The Search for a Certificate page appears.


3.Complete the required fields of the Search for a Certificate page as follows:
NOTE:   All required fields must be complete in order to view a certificate.
a)Certificate Number:  The certificate number is the identification number for a completed certificate.  When generated in VEHCS, the format is in the form of VS-XX-99-XX-999-999999999.
b)Country of Destination
c)Security Check:  An addition or subtraction mathematical equation will be displayed.  Please enter the solution in the empty box provided.
d)Click the View Certificate Data button to view the certificate.
RESULT:  A new window opens and the certificate displays in portable document format (PDF).


   Click the Clear button to clear the search fields.