VEHCS PDF Health Certificate Upload

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Accredited Veterinarians (AVs) can use VEHCS to submit Health Certificates (HC) completed outside of VEHCS by saving the HC as a PDF document and uploading it using the PDF Health Certificate Upload work flow.  The work flow begins when the desired Destination Country, Commodity Type or Intended Use is not displayed as a selection on the Create Certificate/Certificate Content page and the AV selects the “--- not Listed” option.  Next button is displayed.  The AV clicks the Next button.

VEHCS presents the subsequent screens and guides the user through inputting the information required to upload a PDF health certificate.  See the description below for the upload work flow.

Certificate Content

Upload PDF


Payment Method


HELPFUL HINT: You may enter certificate information in any order by selecting the links at the left of the screen. In this Help file, data entry into the certificate will be explained sequentially as if using the Next button.  At the bottom of each page the Previous, Save as Work in Progress, and Next buttons are available.


The type of Certificate (Certificate Content) and the unique Certificate Tracking Number is always displayed at the top of each Step by Step screen.