Add Detailed Origin Information

To add detailed origin information, complete the following steps:


1.Select the Manage Template Data link at the left side of the screen.
RESULT:  The Manage Application Templates page appears with a table displaying available templates.  The information includes Template Name, Exporter, and Consignee.


2.Click the corresponding Update button for the template.
RESULT: The Template Details page appears with the existing template information displayed.


3.Next to the Commodities section, click the Details button.
RESULT:  The Template Commodity Details page appears.


4.Click the corresponding Update button for the commodity.
RESULT:  The Commodity Details page appears.


5.At the bottom of the screen, click the Add/Edit Multiple Origins button.
RESULT:  The Additional Commodity Origins page appears.


6.Complete the identified fields of the Additional Commodity Origins page as follows:
a)Certified Origin: Locality:  Certified Origin: Locality associated with the template commodity.  This is an optional field.
b)Certified Origin: Locality Descriptor:  Certified Origin: Locality descriptor associated with the template commodity.  Select a locality descriptor from the drop-down list.  Required if there is an entry in Locality.
c)Certified Origin: State / Territory:  Certified Origin: State/Territory associated with the template commodity.  Select a state or territory from the drop-down list.  Required if there is an entry in Locality.
d)Certified Origin:  Country:  Certified Origin: Country associated with the template commodity.  Select a country from the drop-down list.  Required if there is an entry in Locality.
e)Commodity Origin:  This field is pre-populated with USA.


7.Enter and select additional origin information, then click the Add button.
RESULT:  The new information appears in the Commodity Origin list as each new entry is added.


8.Click the Back button.
RESULT:  The updated Commodity Details page appears.


9.Review the information on the Commodity Details page; make corrections, if necessary.  Click the Save Commodity button to save the commodity in the Commodities listing at the bottom of the screen.


See Also

Manage Application Templates