Fee Collection Participation

Updates made on the Fee Collection Participation page will be effective on the first day of the next month.  Anyone with the State/County Financial Administrator role of the selected State/County will receive a message on their homepage regarding any updates made on this page.

To designate states and (California) counties as participating in PCIT state fee collection, complete the following steps:

1.Select the PCIT Administration link from the left menu.
RESULT:  The PCIT Administration page appears.


2.Select Mange Financial Information from the Select Reference Data Function drop-down list and click the Submit button.
RESULT:  The PCIT Administration - Manage Financial Information page appears.


3.Select Fee Collection Participation from the Select A Function drop-down list and click the Submit button.
RESULT:  The Fee Collection Participation page appears.


NOTE:  You can click the Show All button to expand the list or click the Collapse button to shorten the list.


4.Enter the fee collection participation level for each State and County by selecting from the Participation Level drop-down list for each State/County.  Options include one of the following:


a)Select - Leaving the selection as 'Select' means that the State/County will not be collecting fees through PCIT.
b)Federal Only - The State/County will collecting fees for Federal certificates only
c)State/County and Federal - The State/County will be collecting fees for both Federal and State certificates.


5.Designate the level of fee collection for each State and click the Save button.
The admin user can turn off fee collection for a State by reverting the Participation Level to 'Select'.


NOTE: States participating in the PCIT Fee Collection Process must have a State/County Financial Administrator role assigned.  Only a Headquarters user can assign this role.


See Also

Manage Financial Information