Manage AgLearn Test Results File

In cases where the automatic job fails and the file needs to be reprocessed, you can manual execute the Test Results job.  To manually execute the process that updates PCIT with test results received from AgLearn, complete the following steps:


1.Select the PCIT Administration link from the left menu.
RESULT:  The PCIT Administration page appears.


2.Select Manage AgLearn Test Results File from the Select Reference Data Function drop-down list.
RESULT:  The Execute AgLearn Test Results Process page appears.


3.Under Step 1: Verify File Location, the Input File Name and File Location displays.  Enter the correct date for the file name in the File Date field.  You can use the calendar to select your date.
RESULT:  A message displays stating "Success:  File [input file name] is ready for processing in directory [file location].


4.Under Step 2: Process Test Results File, the Archive Location displays.  Enter the e-mail addresses for recipients in the E-Mail Recipient(s) field.


5.Click the Process button.
RESULT:  When processing is complete, the file will be copied to the Archive Location.  A notification e-mail of the processing results will be sent to the E-Mail Recipients.


See Also


ACO Training Data