Print an Original Certificate (Nursery)

To print an Original certificate for the US-NCP organization’s application, complete the following steps:

1.Select the Issue/Print Certificate link on the navigation bar.
RESULT:  The Certificate Adjustment page appears.
2.Confirm the inspection date to be printed on the certificate.
a)To keep the inspection date indicated, then no action is required.
NOTE: The inspection date will default to the current date and can be changed as necessary.
b)To change the single inspection date, enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format in the first inspection date field.
NOTE:  The inspection date will be spelled out on the certificate.
c)To change the inspection date to multiple dates, a date range or other approved text; enter the date information in the desired format in the second inspection date (“Or Any Text”) field.
NOTE:  The inspection date will appear on the certificate exactly as it is entered.
3.Confirm the issue date to be printed on the certificate.
a)To keep the issue date indicate, then no action is required.
b)To change the issue date indicated, enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format in the first treatment date field.
NOTE:  The issue date will be spelled out on the certificate.
4.Click the Apply button to update any changes.
RESULT:  The Certificate Adjustment page refreshes with the updated data displayed.
5.Optional:  You can click the Preview Certificate button to display a draft certificate prior to issuing the certificate.
RESULT:  A new browser window opens and the draft certificate is displayed in portable document format (PDF).

NOTE:  Once the certificate is issued, its data cannot be changed.  The Preview Certificate functionality is a useful tool to review data prior to issuance.

6.Click the Issue Certificate button to issue the certificate.
RESULT:  The Print Certificate page appears; the status is updated to Issued-A, and the certificate number is displayed in place of the Application Tracking Number.
7.Click the Generate Original Certificate button.

The following items are added to the certificate:

The “US-NCP” watermark will appear on the original certificate.
The Federal Phytosanitary Certificate Number will end in an ‘A’ (instead of an ‘N’).
The Nursery Name, State, and USA will print in Block 13.
The following text will automatically print in the Additional Declaration block if it was selected in the drop-down on the Additional Declarations page: “This shipment of plants was produced in accordance with the United States Nursery Certification Program (US-NCP) and is considered to conform to the Phytosanitary import requirements of Canada.  Nursery Representative Name is the responsible person for the US-NCP at this facility.  ____________________ is the responsible person for this shipment.”. ____________________ may be replaced with the name of the person responsible for the shipment.   If no Additional Declaration was entered, the Additional Declaration block will be blank.
“Christian B. Dellis” will print in Block 17.
The signature as Christian B. Dellis will print in Block 18.
The Seal is printed on the original certificate and originals should be printed on regular bond paper.

RESULT:  A new browser window opens and the Original certificate in PDF.

8.Print the Original certificate on security paper using Adobe’s printing feature
RESULT:  The certificate prints.
9.Close the Adobe window.
RESULT:  The Print Certificate page appears.
10.If the certificate was successfully printed on regular bond paper, click the Printed button.
RESULT:  The Print Certificate confirmation page displays with two buttons, Reuse Certificate and Generate Certificate Copy.  The application status is now Printed-A.


See Also

Process Submitted Applications (Nursery)