Manage Account (VS)

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NOTE: If you are an Accredited Veterinarian (AV) or AV Support user and want to manage your organization's profile information and list of members, please refer to the Manage Account (Business Organization) topic.


This function is only available to users with organization administration privileges (Org Admins).


NOTE:  VEHCS is organization-based, in that all members of an organization have access to the same templates, consignors, consignees, and available funds to create and submit health certificates.


To make changes to your organization/company information, complete the following steps:


1.Select Manage Account link in the upper right corner of the screen.
RESULT:  The Manage Account - Choose an Option page appears.


To manage your organization, continue with Step 2.
To add a new member to your organization, begin with Step 8.
To mange my own profile information, begin with Step 10.


Manage Your Organization

2.To make changes to your organization/company information, select the Organization Account Information For: <Your Organization Name> option and click the Next button.
RESULT:  The Manage Your Organization Profile page appears.


3.To find and update users in your organization, enter a last name and/or select a location and/or a role and click the Search button.
NOTE:  Users listed in red italics are inactive and can be reactivated by updating their information.


4.Once the search is complete, you can update information by clicking the Update button that corresponds to the member's name.
RESULT:  The User Details page appears.


5.To update a member's information, on the User Details page complete the fields as follows:
a)Name:  First Name (required), Middle Initial (optional), and Last Name (required) of the user.
b)Printed Name:  This will be displayed on the Health Certificate and should be formatted as First Name, Middle Initial (optional), Last Name, Credential(s); such as John A. Smith, MPH, DVM.
c)Phone:  Ten-digit telephone number.  Include the area code.
d)Email Address:  The user's email address.
e)User Role:  Select either Area Veterinarian in Charge, Export Document Examiner, or Veterinary Medical Officer.
f)User Status:  Select Active or Inactive.
g)To assign a location, in the List of Assigned Locations table, click the Update button.
RESULT:  The Add Locations page appears, select the Location from the drop-down list and click the Add button.  Once a location has been added, you can set it as the members primary location and/or grant the member administrative rights to that location.  You can also delete a location from the member.  Click the Back button to return to the User Details page.


6.To look up a user's PIN, from the Manage Your Organization page, click the Look Up PIN button.
NOTE:  The Lookup PIN button is only available if the member has not yet logged in and used it.  If the Look Up PIN button is not there, that indicates that the member has logged in successfully to VEHCS.


7.Click the Save button to keep the changes to your organization's information.
RESULT:  The Manage Your Organization page appears and your changes have been saved.
Click the Cancel button to abandon the changes to your organization’s information.


Add a New Member to Your Organization

8.To add a user to your organization, click Add New User from the left had navigation bar.
RESULT:  The User Details page appears.


9.Complete the fields as follows:
a)Name:  First Name (required), Middle Initial (optional), and Last Name (required) of the user.
b)Printed Name:  This will be displayed on the Health Certificate and should be formatted as First Name, Middle Initial (optional), Last Name, Credential(s); such as John A. Smith, MPH, DVM.
c)Phone:  Ten-digit telephone number.  Include the area code.
d)EMail Address:  The user's email address.
e)User Role:  Select either Area Veterinarian in Charge, Export Document Examiner, or Veterinary Medical Officer.
f)Unique PIN:  The Personal Identification Number (PIN) allows the user to join your organization.  It must begin with the letter "V" followed by 7 numeric digits.  You can also click the Generate PIN button.
IMPORTANT: You must provide the new member with the PIN so the member can join your organization when accessing VEHCS for the first time.
g)User Status:  Select Active or Inactive.
h)To assign a location, in the List of Assigned Locations table, click the Update button.
RESULT:  The Add Locations page appears, select the Location from the drop-down list and click the Add button.  Once a location has been added, you can set it as the members primary location and/or grant the member administrative rights to that location.  You can also delete a primary location.  Click the Back button to return to the User Details page.


10.Click the Save button to keep the changes to your organization's information.
RESULT:  The Manage Your Organization page appears and your changes have been saved.
Click the Cancel button to abandon the changes to your organization’s information.


Manage My Own Profile Information

11.To make changes to your profile, on the Manage Account - Choose an Option page, select the My Own Profile Information option and click the Next button.
RESULT:  The Manage Your Profile page appears.


12.Review your personal information and edit your profile as needed.


13.Click the Save button to keep the changes to your profile.