Financial Management

PCIT manages certificate payments for certificates issued by PPQ and for those States and Counties that have opted to have their fees collected in PCIT.  These fees are collected when the phytosanitary certificate is issued.  PCIT also manages payments for certificates issued outside of PCIT.

Each PCIT applicant organization has a pre-purchase account within PCIT.  The organization can fund the account using PCIT Financial Management to link to Department of Treasury’s application.  Deposits via are credits to the account.  The account is debited when a certificate is issued.

Optionally, applicants can provide checks, money orders or credit cards to PPQ staff to update their organizations’ accounts using a similar Financial Management link.  Checks and money orders are recorded in PCIT then sent to the financial office using standard lockbox procedures for processing.  Credit cards are processed via the PCIT link to Department of Treasury’s application.  State/County ACOs can also add funds to pre-purchase accounts using the PCIT link to Department of Treasury’s application.

PCIT also enables an ECS to set up interagency agreements with organizations, allowing certificate payment to be handled outside of PCIT.

NOTE:  A list of participating States and Counties is available on the PCIT Help/Contact Us / State/County Information / State/County Fee Participation Contact Information page.  Please verify that the duty station(s) you submit to participate in PCIT fee collection before depositing funds to cover their fees.

IMPORTANT:  When PPQ staff collect payment, only checks, money orders, or credit cards should be accepted.  ACH (direct debit) transactions should not be entered on an applicant's behalf as those payments are not guaranteed.


Adding funds to a pre-purchase account:

As an applicant user
As an internal user

Charging a certificate issued outside of PCIT,


See Also

Refund Process