Inspection Details Page Overview

Enter all inspection information for an application using the Inspection Details page.  The field descriptions are as follows:


Inspector Name

The inspector name will automatically default to the ACO who is currently processing the application.
An ACO Admin support will be required to select an ACO from the list.
This is a required field.

Inspection Percent

The amount of the commodity inspected represented as a percentage.  Enter a value of 1 to 100.
The default is “2.”
This is a required field.

Inspection Start Date

The date the inspection began.  You can click the calendar to select the appropriate date.
This is a required field.

Inspection End Date

The date the inspection ended.  You can click the calendar to select the appropriate date.
This is an optional field.  Enter only if the inspection was conducted over several days.

NOTE:  Adding an end date here will not display the date ranges on the certificate.  If you want to display multiple dates or a date range on the certificate, you must modify the inspection date by entering the range in the ‘Or Any Text’ text box on the Certificate Adjustment page.

Inspection Finding

Text box for entering or updating results from the inspection.  You may also select a standard statement from the drop-down list and then click Add.
This is an optional field.


Under the Inspection Results section, enter the following information:


Harmful Organism Found

Select the type of harmful organism found during the inspection.
The default is “None.”
This is a required field.

If Other

If “Other” is selected in the Harmful Organism Found, you can enter free form text describing the harmful organism found.


Describes other items found during the inspection, such as soil.
This is an optional field.


Click the Save button to save all changes and return to the Inspections page. Clicking the Cancel button will cancel only changes to this page and return you to the Inspections page.


See Also

Enter Inspection Information (ACO)

Process Submitted Applications (ACO)

Edit Submitted Applications (ACO)