Manage Certificates

When the ACO has inspected the application commodities and updated PCIT with required data as appropriate for the importing country’s requirements, the ACO can issue a certificate.  PCIT validates that at least one inspection has been recorded for the application during the issue process.  PCIT prompts the user to approve the inspection data displayed, to provide another.  The user can then chose to print a Shipper’s Original certificate and enter the barcode number(s) of the security paper used.

Output from the PCIT system is a printed certificate that denotes an authorized export of plant material.  The ACO and designated AEs are the privilege users who can issue and print a certificate.  Certificates are printed on heat sensitive security paper containing a watermark and bare the USDA/ Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) seal.  The security paper possesses additional features to deter fraudulent use of the certificate.  The USDA, and State and County Cooperators assigned to the duty stations are responsible for maintaining control and inventory of the security paper according to standard procedures.

In addition to privilege users stated above, the US Nursery Certified Program participants can issue and print certificates on regular 8x11 papers with the watermark ‘US-NCP’ lay across the page.  External users can print copies of certificates on standard stock paper for document recording purposes.  Each certificate print is recorded in the system for auditing purposes and the document has “COPY” watermark printed on it.  PCIT only documents a certificate as printed if the Printed button is clicked and the certificate status is changed to Printed or Printed-A.  PCIT does not record how many copies (certificates with the watermark “COPY” across it) are printed.

The Manage Certificate options include the following:

Generate Copy: You can generate a copy of the certificate from the Manage Certificate page.  The certificate will display in PDF with the watermark “COPY” across it.
Generate Excel: You can generate an Excel file from the Manage Certificate page.  The certificate information will display in format.
Print: You can update a certificate to Printed status from the Manage Certificate page.  You can print the original certificate and then confirm the certificate printed correctly.  This will ensure that duplicate original certificates cannot be generated in PCIT.  It also updates the status of certificates in Issued status to the final status of Printed.  You also have the option of entering the bar code that was printed on the security paper.
Replace: You can replace a certificate from the Manage Certificate page.  Once you select the Replace option, the Application Details page displays.  You can then edit the provided information.
Update State/County Information:  You can update the State/County Information.  All data fields are optional.  The data entered can be downloaded and used as input for existing state and county financial systems.  Please contact your office's financial personnel for guidance on what fields to complete.
Update Certificate Fee: ACOs can change federal certificate fees on “Issued” or “Printed” applications, as well as “Void” or “Replaced” certificates if the payment was originally taken, by selecting the Update Certificate Fee option from the Manage Certificate page.  The fee change will impact the balance of the applicant’s pre-purchase account, by either adding or subtracting funds.
Void: You can void Printed/Printed-A or Issued/Issued-A certificates.  For Issued-A certificates, the Manage Certificate page appears and the only option is Void.
Split: You can split (void) certificates by the process of dividing it into two to five new certificates from the Manage Certificate page.
Reuse: You can reuse similar certificates that have to be generated during high-volume periods.  This process can be used immediately upon completion of a certificate or from the Manage Applications page.  When reusing a certificate, all certificate data is copied to a new application except for ACO Comments/notes, Inspection Results and Treatment Dates (if Treatment Date existed on the certificate being reused). NOTE: Reuse option is only available for the Internal users and Authorized Entities.

See Also

View a Certificate

Replace a Certificate

Update a Certificate

Void a Certificate

Split a Certificate

Manage Applications