Manage Processed Applications

All certificates have a status.  For a list of valid statuses for PCIT applications/certificates, see Statuses.


To view your certificates at any time, complete the following steps.

1.Select the Manage Processed Applications link from the menu at the left side of the screen.
RESULT: The Manage Processed Applications page appears and allows you to search for a certificate to view or manage.

NOTE: Applicant users can only search for certificates they are an applicant for.  ACO users can search for certificates based on their associated Duty Stations or by known Tracking number.

2.Enter search criteria to manage a list of processed applications.  From the resulting list, you may choose to view it by clicking on the View button, or you may manage the processed applications/certificates by clicking on the Manage button.

NOTE:  If no certificates are found, the message “No certificates match the search criteria.” displays.

The certificates associated with the entered search criteria are displayed with the following information:

a)Tracking/Certificate Number:  The tracking and certificate number assigned to the particular application. Canceled applications will only list a tracking number.
b)Status:  The status of the certificate.
c)Issued Date:  The date the certificate was issued by the ACO.
d)Destination:  The country to which the commodities will be sent.
e)ATP: Applicant to Print - The ACO selected the applicant to print the Original Certificate.
f)ePhyto Sent: The status of ePhyto.
g)ePhyto Received: The status of ePhyto.


A View and Manage button are displayed to the right of each certificate.

To view the application details from the Managed Processed Applications page, complete the following steps.

1.Click the View button next to the associated application.
RESULT:  The Processed Application Details page appears.
2.To generate the certificate details, click the Details button.
RESULT:  The associated window appears.
3.To change the status of a certificate, click the Manage button.
RESULT:  The Manage Certificate page appears.
4.Select the desired option in the Process drop-down list and click the Select button.
RESULT:  The list appears in the following order based on the certificate status:
a)Generate Copy
b)Generate Excel
e)Update Certificate Fee


NOTE: ACO/ACO Admins can adjust fees associated with outside certificates.  See Update Certificate Fee for details.


See Also

Manage Certificates
