Print an Original Certificate (AE)

To print an Original certificate for an AE organization’s application, complete the following steps:


1.Select the Issue/Print Certificate link on the navigation bar.
RESULT:  The Certificate Adjustment page appears.


2.Confirm the inspection date to be printed on the certificate.
a)To keep the inspection date indicated, then no action is required.
b)To change the current inspection date, then enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format in the Enter A Date field and/or update the Or Any Text field.

NOTE:  The inspection date will be spelled out on the certificate.  Confirm the issue date to be printed on the certificate.


3.Confirm the inspection date to be printed on the certificate.
a)To keep the issue date indicated, then no action is required.
b)To change the issue date indicated, then enter a date in mm/dd/yyyy format in the Enter A Date field.

NOTE:  The issue date will be spelled out on the certificate.


4.Add additional countries that the shipment will traverse to before reaching the destination country; click the Add Country of Transit button.
RESULT:  The Country of Transit page appears.  Select the appropriate country and click the Add button.  When you are finished, click the Save button.


5.Confirm the Authorized Certification Official (ACO) name to be printed on the certificate.
a)If you do not want a name to print in Block 17 of the certificate, then no action is required.
b)If you want a name to print in Block 17 of the certificate, then select a name from the list.


6.Click the Apply Adjustments for Preview button to update the date and ACO changes.
RESULT:  The Certificate Adjustment page refreshes with the updated data displayed.


7.Optional:  You can click the Preview Certificate button to display a draft certificate prior to submitting the application for approval.
RESULT:  A new browser window opens and the draft certificate is displayed in portable document format (PDF).


NOTE:  Once the application is submitted for approval, its data cannot be changed.  The Preview Certificate functionality is a useful tool to review data prior to submission.


8.Click the Submit for Approval button to update the application to Issued-Pending status.
RESULT:  The Print Certificate page appears; the status has been updated to Issued-Pending, and the certificate number is displayed in place of the application tracking number.


9.Click the Generate Original Certificate button.
RESULT:  A new browser window opens and the Original certificate is displayed in portable document format (PDF).


10.Print the Original certificate on security paper using Adobe’s printing feature.
RESULT:  The certificate prints.


11.Close the Adobe window.
RESULT:  The Print Certificate page appears.


12.If the certificate was successfully printed on security paper, click the Printed button.
RESULT:  The Print Certificate page reappears with the Generate Certificate Copy and Reuse Certificate.


13.To close this process, select the PCIT Home link from the left side of the screen.
RESULT:  The PCIT Welcome page appears.


See Also

Reuse Application/Certificate Data

Process Submitted Applications (AE)